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European Union: Commission faces maladministration probe over TTIP secrecy

3. Veljača 2015 - 7:00
The European Commission is facing a likely maladministration investigation after refusing five non-governmental organisations (NGOs) access to secret Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) documents.

Ecologists in Action denounces the excess of pollution particles and nitrogen dioxide in Murcia

3. Veljača 2015 - 7:00
Ecologists in Action claims that there have been episodes of contamination by benzene and toluene in the measuring station Murcia.

Commission faces maladministration probe over TTIP secrecy

3. Veljača 2015 - 7:00
The European Commission is facing a likely maladministration investigation after refusing five non-governmental organisations (NGOs) access to secret Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) documents.

France : L'affaire du Mediator fera-t-elle enfin avancer la question des lanceurs d'alerte ?

3. Veljača 2015 - 7:00
Le scandale du Mediator a remis sur le devant de la scène le rôle des lanceurs d'alerte et la question de leur statut, largement débattus au cours du Grenelle mais resté lettre morte depuis. S'ils gagnent souvent devant les tribunaux, leur rôle et leur protection ne sont pas définis et les laissent démunis face aux représailles qu'ils peuvent subir dans leurs carrières.

France: L'affaire du Mediator fera-t-elle enfin avancer la question des lanceurs d'alerte?

31. Siječanj 2015 - 7:00
Le scandale du Mediator a remis sur le devant de la scène le rôle des lanceurs d'alerte et la question de leur statut, largement débattus au cours du Grenelle mais resté lettre morte depuis. S'ils gagnent souvent devant les tribunaux, leur rôle et leur protection ne sont pas définis et les laissent démunis face aux représailles qu'ils peuvent subir dans leurs carrières.

Spain: Environmentalists argues that the number of cut trees is much higher than what the Forestry division claims

30. Siječanj 2015 - 7:00
Conservation groups of the Board of Saja-Besaya Natural Park say the number of trees cleared according to the Directorate General of Forestry -375 in 2014 "does not correspond with reality"; say to justify logging, Ministry of Livestock "again emphasizes purely engineering and economic criteria"; and denounce the "absence of the most basic environmental and scientific criteria" silvicultural treatments.

Belgique : Les ONG ne peuvent pas contester les décisions de la Commission européenne

30. Siječanj 2015 - 7:00
Source : Environnement Magazine Les ONG ne peuvent pas demander à la Commission de conduire un réexamen interne d'un règlement en matière d'environnement ou de contester un éventuel refus de le faire devant la Cour de justice de l'UE.

Germany: European Court of Justice limited right of action by environmental groups

29. Siječanj 2015 - 7:00
In two recent judgments the European Court of Justice has ruled that environmental groups may sue EU institutions only under strict conditions.

Switzerland: More needs to be done, says environment report

29. Siječanj 2015 - 0:00
“We can only implement far-sighted environmental policy if we know how things stand with our environment,” writes Environment Minister Doris Leuthard in the foreword to the report “Environment Switzerland 2015”, released by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) on Thursday. The report gives an overview of Switzerland’s environment and natural resources and demonstrates how the Swiss way of life and economic activities affect the environment. In 140 pages it outlines the measures that have been taken to counteract these influences and the areas in which action is required.

Alternative site claim ruled out and costs awarded

26. Siječanj 2015 - 7:00
A parish council and a local action group have failed in a bid to quash a planning permission granted for redevelopment of a golf course and have been ordered to pay towards the defendant's legal costs.

La CJUE limite la portée de la convention d’Aarhus

14. Siječanj 2015 - 7:00
La Cour de justice de l'Union européenne (CJUE) vient de réduire la portée de la convention d'Aarhus, limitant la demande de réexamen des décisions aux seules mesures à portée individuelle. Le Bureau européen de l’environnement (BEE) a tiré le signal d’alarme le 13 janvier, dénonçant dans un communiqué «le bond en arrière de la démocratie environnementale».

Aarhus Convention and access to administrative justice according to the EU

14. Siječanj 2015 - 7:00
The provisions of an international agreement to which the Union is a party can be invoked in support of an action for annulment of an act of secondary legislation of the Union (or a plea of ​​illegality of the act) only when, "the nature and the general agreement in question is precluded and, secondly, these provisions appear, as regards their content, unconditional and sufficiently precise."

Environnement : vers un renforcement de la démocratie participative

12. Siječanj 2015 - 7:00
Comme souhaité par le président de la République, François Hollande, la ministre de l’Environnement, Ségolène Royal, a lancé le chantier de la démocratie participative dans le domaine de l'environnement. Les acteurs du secteur doutent du résultat, au vu des récentes déclarations du pouvoir exécutif et du délai imposé à la commission spécialisée du Conseil de la transition écologique, chargée de ce travail.

Georgia: Gyla: Legislation is still violated in the case of Sakdrisi-Kachagiani

12. Siječanj 2015 - 7:00
Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA) considers that “legislation is still violated in case of Sakdrisi-Kachagiani”.

France: Loi Macron : plus de libéralisme ? Pourquoi pas. Mais pas au mépris du droit

6. Siječanj 2015 - 7:00
Le 26 janvier commenceront les discussions à l'Assemblée sur le projet de loi Macron, qui prévoit par exemple de nouvelles dispositions concernant le travail dominical, la construction ou les transports. Un texte qui pose un certains nombre de problèmes, notamment en matière de droit, selon l'avocate et ex-ministre Corinne Lepage.

Austria: 30 years after Hainburg : still much to be done!

5. Siječanj 2015 - 7:00
Renowned representatives of Hainburg movement from 1984 pull on the anniversary of the star march balance sheet: Prevention of Danube power plant and the preservation of the free-flowing section, together with their floodplains were successful. However, a variety of environmental sites is of concern.

List of hazardous chemicals is extended

30. Prosinac 2014 - 7:00
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) held its eighth meeting on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents (Convention occupational accidents ), held from 3 to 5 December 2014 in Geneva, and has revised the list of chemical substances to include 13 other categories of hazardous substances and 32 other chemicals harmful to health and the environment. The revised Annex I of the Convention, which contains the lists of substances and categories was adopted to align the Globally Harmonized United Nations System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals.

Citizen engagement with national policy: energy project shares its experiences

12. Prosinac 2014 - 7:00
Ensuring successful public engagement in policy can be difficult. Four key challenges – communicating complexity, providing balanced information, creating space for deliberation and accessing broader values – are highlighted by a new study. Its authors show how they dealt with these challenges in a UK programme, designed to gather public views on the future of national energy policy.

Belgique: Greenpeace assigne l'Etat belge en justice pour non-respect de ses obligations

9. Prosinac 2014 - 7:00
L’organisation non gouvernementale Greenpeace assigne l’Etat belge en justice, a-t-elle annoncé mardi. Elle estime que l’Etat n’a pas respecté ses obligations découlant des conventions d’Espoo et d’Aarhus.

Occupation of the Hainburg wetlands: 30 years after that too many "environmental construction"

8. Prosinac 2014 - 7:00
(Original article in German.) On this day exactly thirty years ago, on December 8, 1984, was the occupation of conservationists place in the Hainburg wetlands. Activists took the anniversary as an opportunity to request a package of measures for "environmental construction" with the "Hainburger Declaration" in 2020.
